What is PEACE

The Projects for pan-EuropeAn Collaboration and Exchange is where our collaborative European projects and networking will take place. Topics can include 

  • Social inclusion, migration and integration
  • Democracy promotion, civic engagement and social innovation; 
  • Gender equality and women’s empowerment

Through PEACE, we seek to remain sensitive to the needs of civil society in Cluj, and in Romania at large. We will effectively address the identified needs through comprehensive projects which are aligned with the priorities of the European Union, the EEA and other funding entities. Projects can be either research- or action-oriented, and will be developed according to the opportunities provided and partnerships developed.


  1. Identify real and relevant needs and gaps in the civil society in Cluj, in Romania and even across Europe, and explore ways in which to effectively address these. 
  2. Develop and implement research- and action-oriented projects which strengthen collaboration and exchange, and which serve to address the identified needs in civil society in Cluj, Romania and across Europe. 
  3. Build a network of partners who support the strengthening of civil society and democratic governance, and facilitates learning and exchange across Europe.


PEACE will continuously and actively seek and receive input from various organisations, experts, stakeholders and other actors in civil society, in order to identify relevant needs and gaps in Cluj and in Romania at large. Based on the evidence-based understanding built throughout this on-going needs assessment process, we will seek funding opportunities and develop projects and partnerships that appropriately and accurately address the identified needs, while also aligning with the priorities of the European Union and other funding entities.